Dear All,While Technical Upgrade from ECC 5.0 to ECC 6.0, what are obsolete function modules/statements and which objects will get affected due to upgrade process ?RegardsKishore B
Hello,we can use FM SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 instead of Using FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1.Function Module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 contains import parametersSENDER_ADDRESSSENDER_ADDRESS_TYPETry this, its worked for me.
Hi,Just cross check all entries in Table Maintanace Dialog Generator (SE56). Eventhough you stuck with that, then try to assign Ztable name as Function Group (Instead of Function Group which you assigned)RegardsKishore B
Hi Parikshit,You might selected "Display/Maintenance Not Allowed".Go to Delivery and Maintenance tab, for 'Data Browser/Table View Maint.' option, choose Display/Maintenance Allowed. Then it will allow you to enter entries (Utilities Menu-> Table co...
Hi Tony,If you want desired out put, you can sort your internal table and if you want to delete duplicate data you can apply code like sort <internal_table> by matnr.delete adjacent duplicates from <internal_table> comparing <key>.