Dear experts, I am trying to create a long text in SE91, but I am getting the following error message. "Object MSGIDMSGNUMBER is original in current system". And the proposed procedure to fix it is: "change the document in the original".
I'm stuck....
Experts, I am trying to assing a message type to a PO, but the message I am trying to assing to the PO is not showing up.
The error message I am getting is the following "No partner was found for the function of the ZM partner"
any clues?
Dear Experts,
My Client asked me to get the corresponding FIORI URL from all the pending tasks in SWI5.
For instance, a person has in her/his inbox a request to approve a PR. How do I get the corresponding FIORI URL for this task?
Dear Experts,
My Client requested a creation of a SOA WEB SERVICE. This service must sends a xml file.
I am pretty NEWBIE in this area and I would like to know if there is any how-to guide to create and publish this web service.
Also, with the...
What if I need something a little bit different? I need to Call fiori app from SAPGUI transaction, but I need to determine the Fiori url dynamically. For instance, I need to determine dynamically the fior url for PR appoval.
Gregot, I've set up all the variables. Now I can run the 'go.bat' file, but still can't access the Cloud Connector (https://localhost:8443/).Any thoughts?thank and best regards,Flavio
Laurent, thanks for your message. How do I check my backend customizing? This behaviour is happening only in FIORI. If you go in SAP Logon, I can access my PAYSTUB in PRD.