I try to access data in S/4HANA from BW/4HANA using CDS view which is provided as VDM.
I create Open ODS View by referring below link (4.Scenario 1 –Directly Access CDS-ODPsource from BW).
How to use ABAP CDS for Data Provisioning in BW
Is ther...
When I try to create source system under “ODP-ABAP CDS Views” from RSA1 in BW system, below error message is shown.
Source system XXXCLNTXXX already exists.
Message no. RSAR201
I guess above thing is due to use "XXXCLNTXXX" as a source system un...
I try to create vehicle data in source system.
I already create Purchase Order with Material "KA008" which is defined as "VEHI" Material type in ME21N.
Then I confirm there are some quantity in On-Order Stock from MMBE, and create Material Docume...
I try to define action control determination in VELOS.
I select material as Vehicle Model ("KA004" in Capture), but below error message is shown.
Error in Internal Number Assignment
Message no. VELO020
Please tell me to solve this error.
I try to activate CDS view 'C_MaterialStockActual' in HANA Studio.
When I confirm data in data preview (right click > Open With > Data Preview), parameter value is required about 'P_LANGUAGE'.
I want to type value like "JA" or "EN", but error mes...
Hi cincet.frdric2Yes. I try to confirm the data except the Eclipse preview.When I search my Open ODS (e.g. EQUIPMENTATTR) in RSRT, there is no hit.For using of Open ODS View in RSRT, is it necessary to create Query on the Open ODS View?
Hi cincet.frdric2cincet.frdric2Thanks for your response.I want to confirm the data which is acquired by Open ODS View (I described this as "Preview").However RSODSVIEW is for information about Open ODS View (I described this as "Display") (see below ...