Member since ‎2020 Aug 12

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I try to access data in S/4HANA from BW/4HANA using CDS view which is provided as VDM. I create Open ODS View by referring below link (4.Scenario 1 –Directly Access CDS-ODPsource from BW). How to use ABAP CDS for Data Provisioning in BW Is ther...
When I try to create source system under “ODP-ABAP CDS Views” from RSA1 in BW system, below error message is shown. Source system XXXCLNTXXX already exists. Message no. RSAR201 I guess above thing is due to use "XXXCLNTXXX" as a source system un...
I try to create vehicle data in source system. I already create Purchase Order with Material "KA008" which is defined as "VEHI" Material type in ME21N. Then I confirm there are some quantity in On-Order Stock from MMBE, and create Material Docume...
I try to define action control determination in VELOS. I select material as Vehicle Model ("KA004" in Capture), but below error message is shown. Error in Internal Number Assignment Message no. VELO020 Please tell me to solve this error. Reg...
I try to activate CDS view 'C_MaterialStockActual' in HANA Studio. When I confirm data in data preview (right click > Open With > Data Preview), parameter value is required about 'P_LANGUAGE'. I want to type value like "JA" or "EN", but error mes...
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