Hello Manoj,In order to delete log backup files from OS level, please refer below steps. 1. Check log backup file:Execute below sql command to check the log backup files. (Check for SystemDB and TenantDB separately.)select t1.entry_type_name, t1.back...
Hello Daniel,This is an interesting topic. There is a big difference between S4Hana Conv and S4Hana Upgrade. As the name says, S4Hana Conversion is a process to convert SAP ECC systems to S4Hana Systems. Technicall, the underlying architecture of SAP...
Hello Shreekumar,The easiest way to sync Prod to Qas is to use Backup/Restore method called System Refresh. Below are some high level steps.1. Perform full data backup of Prod and Qas database.2. Perform Pre Refresh steps.3. Restore Qas database with...
Hello Philip,I agree with Manuel's suggestion to add all system in a single domain controller. The next thing you can do is to create a Transport Group and add PRD and DEV2 in this transport group. Therefore, target for transports moving from QAS sho...
Hello Aaron,The best way is to create different user groups for Basis and Security then assign it accordingly. Since, Basis and Security are part of System Administration, many projects do not have separate consultants to manage it.Hope this is helpf...