Within the lifecycle of an electronic document (a.k.a. eDocument), errors may occur and will be returned to eDocument processors after eDocuments have been submitted to legal/tax authorities/agencies (thereinafter referred to as tax auth...
Hi Isabella,
Thanks so much for your interest in this feature. I have forwarded your question to our product owner. She will have the most accurate answer for you. Just wait for a response. Thanks!
"sap.fe.macros.filter.type.Value" is only for single value. Since MultiComboBox supports multi values, you cannot use that. Instead, try "sap.fe.macros.filter.type.MultiValue". <MultiComboBox width="100%" selectedKeys="{path: 'filterValues>', type: '...
Hi Andrea,
Thanks so much for that knowledge. I was confused about the how to enable C0 key user extensibility these couple of days. Now it’s clear now! Thank you!
Hi Andrea,
Great Blog! I have a question: if I only released a C0 developer extensibility contract, would users be able to extend in key users app like “custom field”? Or they could only extend in ADT?
Hi Mio,I had the exact same issue and now it's fixed. Make sure you call PageController.prototype.onInit.apply(this); in onInit if you're overwriting it in the controller. sap.ui.define([