Hi,i use a dataset in a story.now i would like to use a ,model for this datset in this story. How to generate a SAC Modell from this exsiting dataset and to use this new model in the existing story, without creating a full new story? br Oliver
hi,is it possible to change a dataset in a story and to keep the existing story structure:i didnt find a way to do this...1.) a datset with the same structure?2) a datset with a modified structure (just to add some columns) br Oliver
hi,we use a optmized story with a dataset.The aggrgation for am keyfigure doesn't work.Why the root and the nodes entries are empty?the keyfigure is defined in the datset as aggragtion type "none" (means the calculation should be done on these levels...
now I see, thx.just another question concerning dataset: Where i can see in a dataset, what exactly is the linked Datasource file. I can't find this information in a dataset...? br Oliver
hi, thx.Can up please send me screenshots to this procdure belwo, bcs i can't see the step "Select Get data from a data source"ProcedureFrom the Main Menu, select Create > Model.Select Get data from a data source.From the proposed list, select Datase...