Member since ‎2014 Sep 16

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Hi AIF experts, I am attempting to map inbound XML values to a Material Create BAPI but cannot seem to fill the Raw structure with the inbound XML content (so I fail at the first step). I have tested the overall process using a Flat File and thi...
We are building process outside of the standard POD to capture Data Collection values using the logDCGroup PAPI. The DC Groups are created as the result of Inspection Characteristics in the Production Order routing, but when we trigger the logDCGro...
We have existing ME instances running on 15.2 and have various Activities defined to launch a small MII hosted UI5 web pages via a POD button press. The pages receive the selected SFC as a URL parameter. Following the details in this previous quest...
Hi Experts, Using PCo 15.4.3 Patch 19 and trying to make a multipart/form-data request but not getting the expected result. We have several tests performed using other methods that i want to replicate using PCo as this has access to the source f...
I'm attempting to configure PCo to act as a Web Server providing a simple REST service that accepts a Tag as an Input and returns current value of the Tag in the Output. Looking at the Query destination system, it's possible to return pre-defined T...
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