Member since ‎2020 Jul 16

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  • 26 Posts
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Hi.I have an internal table to be download to txt file with the fields separated by '|'CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download EXPORTING filename = lv_name filetype = 'ASC' write_field_separ...
Hi.I have this:  concatenate lv_ruta_down '\' lv_filename into fname. open dataset fname for output in text mode encoding default. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE 'ERROR'. EXIT. endif. loop at t_bsik into gw_bsik. *do some suff and conc...
Hi. I have this piece of code   DATA: LD_VBELN TYPE VBELN, " Document number LS_BAPISDH1 TYPE BAPISDH1, " Contract header data LS_BAPISDH1X TYPE BAPISDH1X, " Contract header data (change flag) LT_BAPISDITM TYPE ...
Hi.I have made a program that will do an update to Scheduling Agreements.I need to send (in this case) email to the vendors using the message output.I know the program which executes when the insertion of the data. (Program name, routyne)Is that poss...
Hi.I have a program that will process several changes in documents.We need to trigger the ZEN Output for the document to Print/Send email to the vendor.I know the program name that ZEN will call.How could we trigger the Zen Output.?Thanks in advance....
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