In Public Cloud all of us are familiar with Key User Extensibility for extending custom fields in Standard apps /objects. With 2408 version, the new feature extension field wizard can be used to add extension fields to existing RAP business objects. ...
With S/4HANA 2023, new transaction /UI2/CHECK_PAGE_REFS is available that helps to find if the selected page contains any tiles or target mappings that aren’t working properly.
Landing page of the transaction is shown below where input to the transa...
As we know SAP has 5 year mainstream maintenance window for each S/4HANA release ; customers need to keep their S/4HANA systems upgraded on regular basis to comply with S/4HANA maintenance . After the end of mainstream maintenance, the release usuall...
In case you are working on ABAP Restful Programming model; you will be creating V4 Odata for the same. We do transport assignment for oData V2 using transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE. But in case of V4 oData , we can view them in transaction /IWBEP/...
Last year while exploring CI and CD Set up for S/4HANA 2020 system; I had written blog on Step towards CI and CD Set up in S/4HANA System. One of the limitations mentioned then was unavailability of SAP predelivered pipeline for ATC checks for On Pre...
Hi olga.dolinskaja
In case of S/4HANA Upgrade ; where can we give deletion TR created using CCM app as in Upgrade we don't have option for change requests as listed by you .
hi Ali
yes since we can have only one change project active in Q system so fix has to wait or prioritize it over scope item activation . You can use the change project for fix and else sap will send back scope activate ticket saying empty change pro...
Hi Hannah
In that case please raise incident to SAP under component CA-SIT-WB ; do let me know as well once its resolved wondering what could be reason if you have the required roles.