I have created the oauth2 client credentials in manage security by giving client id = appkey(dropbox), client secret = app secret(dropbox) and TOKEN SERVICE URL as
This oauth2 client credential name i...
If I am using https://ef27f024trial.it-cpitrial06.cfapps.us10-001.hana.ondemand.com it is giving error as Error during processing request on Operations Server.
If I am using https://ef27f024trial.integrationsuite-trial01.cfapps.us10-001.hana.ondema...
In Eclipse Oxygen for SAP Cloud Integration - Operations Server
What shall be put in the URL section for operations server.. How will I get the tenant in the trial account?
In eclipse 2022-6 i am not able to install only Operations for SAP CLoud Integration
I tried in oxygen, it is giving exception when going to tools.hana.ondemand.com/oxygen.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not ...
Hi Asutosh,
nice post. What are the other fields passed as xml payload in postman. cant see the tags. Can you specify which are other fields passed.
The values in adapter are hardcoded. Are they not taken from payload
Hi Sriprasad,Very good post.I have one question. If we use directly the open connectors adapter for gdrive , then why we cant use path=${property.name} . We need to give the path as hardcoded path=/homework/file1.txtIn that case if we se uopenconnec...
Hi Ivan,I am using integration Suite subscription instance to develop, monitor, trace, etc.I need to make the setting in eclipse oxygen for adapter development to deploy the adapter in the tenant. From eclipe, I need to connect to the tenant. how can...
Hi Sriprasad,If I am using https://ef27f024trial.it-cpitrial06.cfapps.us10-001.hana.ondemand.com it is giving error as Error during processing request on Operations Server.If I am using https://ef27f024trial.integrationsuite-trial01.cfapps.us10-001.h...