I usually use getbindingcontext for grids/tlist/comboif only 1 object why not make json global in the controller, I usually do this and no performance diffthis.oModelJson =newsap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(oLocalModel);then get data laterthis.oModelJson...
in the dev console->sources tab you can view the structure of your view and controllers, once you open the route the resource is loaded once, navigate to another route the resourc for the route is loaded too, but when you press back nothing is loaded...
init is only called once, if the route view controller is already created will not go through it again,unless you create a function on current route with attachMatched then the function will be called evertime the route is accessed.in the dev console...
when you execute abap in background, server can only access its own resources, you cansave the file in the application serverorsave the file in a z table and read laterorftp read the file <- this i recommend