Member since ‎2019 Nov 26

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  • 116 Posts
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I have a collection with element type of Media and a component referencing that type. In SmartEdit I cannot do any modifications. Also the browser reports "No dropdown populator found" in the console. All other attributes display fine. Anyone else ha...
Hi,we are using the samlsinglesignon extension to implement SSO with Azure B2C IDP. After going through all the configuration steps, we are able to perform SSO authentication but the hybris user is not authenticated. I was expecting the extension to ...
Hi,I have errors in SmartEdit that is coming out of the personalization module. The thing is that I don't want to have personalization at all. I don't see any extensions installed when I look in HAC related to personalization. Despite this, I have er...
Hi, once in a while, we have Azure hotfolder failing with a message such as ErrorMessage [payload=org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: Problem occurred while synchronizing 'master/hotfolder/abc/data-feed' to local directory; nested e...
Hi, is there a way to make a CMS Component attribute read-only only in SmartEdit? I want to display the information but I don't want the SmartEdit user to change it. It is ok to change it in Backoffice or from the code but not SmartEdit. Pascal