Hi,If you are having some logic to create the username like a running number series or combination of some alphanumeric number then you can use business rule to populate this at Add New hire screen.For this you have to enable the 'userAccountInfo' s...
Hi,If you are looking for the LMS OData API entity then the following guide will help you.https://help.sap.com/viewer/28bc3c8e3f214ab487ec51b1b8709adc/1911/en-US/90505b0d331049e5afff352911ea64c3.html
Hi,Yes , you can use the ORD to create this report which can give you Earned Days, Taken Days, Balance Days and Outstanding Days by each employee.Below is the screenshot of the sample report output.
Hi ,If you are using the SuccessFactors OData API then, the OData API is not stateful. By default, each OData call needs to go through authentication and authorization. In reality, a user session is created for each API call. Creating user session is...