Hi NagaamulyaBy default AFO is not writing to RSSDSTAT_OLAP, until you enable Workbook Profiling. To do this in Excel, go to File->Analysis->Troubleshoot->Advanced Mode->Analysis tab->Enable Workbook Profiling (BW Statistics).You can read more about ...
Hi MithunThe file you attached, I suppose is a copy? The real one needs to be named Cof_app.config and stored in C:\ProgramData\SAP\CofI believe the settings required for your setup are AppBuilderCompanyProfileDirectory, AppBuilderDefaultProfilePath ...
Hi MithunThe Ao_app.config and Cof_app.config stored in C:\ProgramData\SAP\Cof requires admin access to edit. If your users has that, you cannot prevent them from edit those files as well as the profile.If your users don't have admin rights to those ...
Hi KirtiI have seen this, when the file type (.sapaox) was not correctly assigned to Excel. You can change this manually, but a reinstallation of AfO should also do the trick.BR Henrik
Hi SergeyYou can set the profiling options in the C:\ProgramData\SAP\Cof\Ao_app.configYou should set it up as: <section name="Profiling" type="Boolean" configurationLevel="PerMachine" /><Profiling value="True" />This will prevent users from disa...