Member since ‎2019 Dec 05

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Hi, When I'm automatically creating a material document (MIGO) I need to determine the storage location based on the cost center. How can I solve this problem?
Hi, Gurus! Do anyone can share some lifehacks how to improve development productivity? I'm using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to create a material document for a goods movement from Ztable data.
Hi, Gurus How to automatically delete Profitability segment when creating SD invoice document for particular cost elementt? maybe using exit-user?
Hi, Gurus! We use a new cost center budget control through Cost Center Budget Report and this report use leadger 0L for collecting fact and plan for budget. Is it possible to change leadger for this purpose maybe through any note?
Hi, Gurus! Is it possible, and if yes then how, for a profit center or partner object in assessment cycles when defining a tracing factor for "Variable portions" / "Actual costs"?
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