We are building interface to send invoice data to external entity (Out of SAP) in utility convergent invoicing . We are looking for a standard Idoc which can be enhanced.
Can someone suggest a standard Idoc which will have general invoice in...
We have an issue in replicating provider contract from SOM to CC.
Issue is: When provider contract is created in SOM then only contract is replicated to CC but tolling service is not assigned to that provider contract and therefor contract i...
Hi everyone,
I am looking for a function module which can provide billing due date for a contract. We have annual billing plan for a contract and based on the year, we want to determine the due date.
Hi All,
I am looking to configure my custom function module in place of standard FM VKK_FICA_EVENT_DSAVE in DSAVE event in CAS7 transaction.
I copy the standard function group and create a custom FG and then copy the standard FM into custom FM.
Hi All,
I am using EMIGALL to create contract account in SAP ISU. Can you please let me know which underlying function module/BAPI/API it uses to create contract account.
Thank you Francois.We figured out that replication issue is happening because of wrong cross catalog mapping version assignment in SOM. It is not picking up the correct version (which is released) instead picks 0000 every time and because of that cha...