Member since ‎2011 Sep 21

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Hi Experts, I have a requirement to enhance Infotype table 1771 and to provide navigation to Sales Order document. For this i have included new fields in Subscreen and enabled "Respond to Double Click" check box. The field value has created with hot...
Hi Experts, We are using RH_INSERT_INFTY to load data for OM Infotypes. We are facing serious performance issue while loading data. For 300 entires it takes 640 seconds. We have tired implementing Buffer clear FM's , which not improved the performanc...
Hi Experts,We have a requirement to create Parked FI document for user entered details. We tried using 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST' and 'PRELIMINARY_POSTING_FB01' to achieve this functionality. On using BAPI_ACC_Document_post, we can able to park the doc...
Hi Experts,We are facing issue while creating CS Order  using BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. We are getting error when passing Service master number to BAPI.  The service master has Purchasing Status, however we are not getting error while create/edit on I...
Hi Experts,We have created 3 custom fields in KOMP structure. Which is required to create condition tables, access sequence. We have successfully created condition tables with the 3 fields along with the standard fields.While creating access sequence...