Member since ‎2016 Jul 11

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  • 29 Posts
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What could be the reasons for this error message ? License Error Unknown #100000060 Situation: 1 web service should communicate with 2 databases on 2 separate 2 SAP servers.the Webservice-configfile is set to both.first can connect... second en...
Hello, we have a problem with an error in ControlCenter in Modul DB Instances and Companies, after we made a restore from a backup to create a new Database for Testing.The List of Companies is empty.Error-Message: Error while connection to Database S...
Hello, I need help with a query for a formatted Search in which a value from a column (POR1.Text = ItemDetails) is written to an UDF - even before it is saved. Query: SELECT $[$38.256.0] FROM POR1 T0 INNER JOIN OPOR T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[...
Hello, I have tested SAP-Note 2907995 on local Server with SAP 10 using different Databases on the same ServerI just edit the B1-User (SLD Database-User) in SQL as DBO-Schema and activated "db_reader" for the other Database.... Works fine. Now my ...
Hello, we are looking for an Addon, which can verify addresses primary in Germany an other european countries.Please let me know, how you do address-verification ? Thanks for your ideas.Greetings Markus