Member since ‎2019 Aug 01

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  • 21 Posts
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Hi, I've checked Product Availability Matrix for Autocad/ECTR connection and actually the last update is 02/2021 - Service pack 5 is not even mentioned. Since we are going to upgra...
Hi experts, our company would like to activate content versions on inventor files. This could be a safety belt against wrong save or stepbacks in the design process. We use ECTR V - 510 / 0014 Actually we easilly understood how to acti...
Hello, working with DTypes to set different rules for specific document families we occured in a big issue with iParts/iAssemblies. It looks like ECTR manage these components only with a single DType that is setted in the default.txt - typically IP...
Hi, I would like to map automatically some characteristic values from ipart/iassembly generator on generated parts. Then, I would like to allow each specific part to update the document field foreseen in the attribute-to-sap It doesn't work actua...
Hi, using ECTR 5.1 front-end Version: (05.12.2018 14:06:04) back-end Version: V - 510 / 0014 Since we manage some materials with UM equal to "M" wanted ECTR to correctly manage this when deriving BOM. At fisrt it was creating...