GRC Requester First name and Last Name showing incorrect Information fro the FF Log review in the E-mail. Requester Name, Requester First name and last name sent in the e-mail as GRC 12 instead of the user first name and last name.
Template I...
How to create a custom Agent for the UAR MSMP Process. The purpose is that, the users will be notified via email when any role is removed from their IDs.
After the GRC upgrade from GRC 10.1 to GRC 12 work inbox, My Profile links are not showing in spanish language although the tabs are showing in Spanish language (attached the screenshot). We have installed the spanish language pack as well
Hi Madhu,Sorry for the late reply.After enabling the below parameter users were able to receive the mail if the roles are removed from UAR 2062 YES Send notification to users whose access is removed Regards,Venkat