Example. I have PO with 3 release code. level 1 and 2 already released.
Before Level 3 release, the PO changes and when we click check button, all release was reset. I want to get that status. if i use bapi_po_getrelinfo the return is level 1 and 2...
I face problem with extension bapi_salerorder_change not work, this my code
salesdocument = '1001000576'. order_header_inx-updateflag = 'U'. "for exttenstion fields gs_bape_vbak-vbeln = '1001000576'. gs_bape_vbak-zzvalidfrom = '202012...
I have fiori app and has been deployed to abap system. when I run it through fiori launchpad, the UI like this :
and this is when I run on BAS.
Why both are different? or bcause the theme ?
Thnks in advance.
Hi c12b61ded10b4e18beae75c3b6218d2c , I have tried to add gs_bape_vbakx-vbeln = '1001000576' and fill extension like you recommend but still not work.this return valuefield of zzvalidfrom still not changes.
Yes, I've checked. no problem with requests. But, I hv solved this with Semantic Object. I try to use semantic object in Fiori Launchpad Designer. May this help others with same issue.Thanks gregor.wolf