Member since ‎2019 Mar 12

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Hello all, I am building a static app, which properly links all system libraries needed for the app itself, so at the end i have one exe file only containing all libraries as static, so they ar enot exposed. Unfortunately SAP RFC libraries are no...
Hello Guys, I am trying to find a way to place progress confirmations (CO1F) for production order to confirmation pool (CO16N). First of all... google just wont give me the FM/BAPI name for progress confirmation... i can only see find the timetic...
Hello gurus, I am trying to establish a connection from c++ application (via QT, but its pretty much same as Visual Studio). So what I did... i have downloaded and extracted newest nwrfcsdk and set the path variables to there/lib, and also SAPNWR...
Dear gurus, i have a requirement to use BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to post materials against production order (without production order confirmation), and in case they are out of stock then create an entry in COGI for this material so it can be dealt lat...
Hello gurus, im using BAPI_PRODORD_GET_DETAIL and table OPERATION gives me quite good overview of the operations, including control key. However this doesnt tell if the control key is milestone (ie: T430-RUEK = 2). Is there another BAPI/FM which ...