i have configured Cloud Connector to SAP HANA System (S/4HANA 1909):
Then in SCP i configured destination:
WebIDEUsage: odata_abap,odata_gen,ui5_execute_abap,dev_abap,bsp_execute_abap,plugin_repository,odata_xs,api_mgmt_catalog,api_mg...
i have activate SAP MII plugin in SAP Web IDE:
but when i try to import project from:
File--> Import--> Project from SAP MII System, i met this error.
In Cloud Connector:
In SCP Destinations:
Check connection:
Have yo...
when i access to Fiori Launchpad, after logon, for several apps (Clear Open Items Automatically, Create Incoming Invoices, Clear Open Items - Automatic Clearing etc...) i have the follow situation:
Anyone met the same problem?
Is the HTT...
I want to build the next scenario:
where VIEW1 and VIEW2 are build on APP1 while VIEW3 and VIEW4 are build on APP2.
How can i navigate from VIEW1 (APP1) to VIEW3 (APP2) and vice versa???
The sap.ushell.services.CrossApplicationNavigati...
Hi aksharai,thanks, but note refer to Web Dynpro APPLICATION. In My case i Have SAP GUI Application (FIORI). I also tryed to use notes https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2629441 and similary, but no good results. Have you any other ideas?