HI,Please check the ECC customization for customer and Idoc settings.I think from MDG no issues, Only you have to check MDG versions and deployment ..Thanks,Harsha.
HI,You should maintain custom settings for Link logical action and UI under the Process modelling-->Business activity.Just refer to SAP MDG standard settings under process modelling.Thanks,Harsha.
Hi,Please refer below SAP Note:1573223 - Hierarchy Initial Load in Master Data Governance FinancialsI would request you, Please use separate CR (It should not SOM ) to the Load the data using as per your timeline use the edition.Thanks,Harsha.
Hi,I think someone has been modified SAP Standard settings.Now you have to correct under MDGIMG/Proces Modeling/Business activity settings either in SAP or custom.1. Link Log. Actions with UI Application and Bus. Activity: Custom Definition2. Link Lo...