Member since ‎2018 Jul 03

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Does anybody know, how to change the consolidation partner (Father Card) in Sales Order? In Delivery Note or A/R Invoice i can change it on the acounting tab. But i cannot find this option in Sales Order. The consolidation partner is now derived ...
Hello, I have done a lot in B1IF Version 1. Now i have started to develop in B1IF Version 2.0. Appart of technical advantages and disadvantages, the development in Version 1 is much faster and easier because of the development mode and the possib...
Hi, i have seen in ServiceLayer Documentation, that there is possible to send multiple requests in one call to the Service Layer. In my opinion not very nice (some difficult multipart structure of the message, not just JSON). In B1IF there is a B...
Hello, is there any possibility to execute some command (like call an *.bat) from a IF scenario? I tried to find some javascript bud without success
Hi, in SAP Business One - Integrationframework - there i am about to call some REST api using the http call atom. This requires JSON Payload in XML form. Unfortunately the REST adapter is escaping the slash character / to \/. The input: <stri...
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