Member since ‎2017 Nov 02

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HI Experts, I am trying to delete mass classifications using FM . With the same Numbering scheme, My product is classified for 2 legal regulations using FM - /SAPSLL/PRODUCT_CLASS_MASS_UPD . Once this FM is executed , PRCON will have 2 entries wi...
Hi Experts, I am a GTS developer , currently working on a requirement to Mass classify Products( worklist - compliance). User selects multiple products on the output and hits on custom buttons each for 1.Re export (PRREX-ALCON , export relevance...
HI All, I am a GTS developer , My client needs Creation of import declaration in BWH: Without any transit reference but by checking IBD/Pre-Declaration. IBD will be given as reference number, say of ABC type in predeclaration reference instead of t...