**This question is for an issue in US Payroll**
We have a scenario where an employee was paid Regular & Supplemental wages in the Regular payroll run. During this payroll execution, the taxes were calculated as expected. Regular wages were...
Yes, there is an option for combined EE and ER PFML. This option can be used by passing formula number 2 to BSI TaxFactory for tax type 118 and/or 122 (only for Colorado) and taxes will be calculated using the applicable percentage. More details on f...
You may have mapped the tax types to both CO state and local in the tax model. If you just configure for the state, it will even work for locals.
Thanks, Lea! This was helpful.
Just a note that the De Minimis for North Dakota and West Virginia is effective January 1, 2022 as mentioned in BSI bulletin 82. De Minimis for Utah is effective January 1, 2023.
- Mitesh
We didn't have to change anything as the wage types are already set with a value 2 for PC64, so the symptom was already available in the system. Per my understanding of the symptom as mentioned in the note, this issue is only if wage types have a dif...
We were able to replicate the scenario only for employees working in California as mentioned under the example in SAP note 3255591. We have implemented the note and the issue is resolved - /401 and /701 do not have negative values.