Hello experts!
I have two range numbers for two types purchase requisition, for example:
NB: from 0001000000 to 0001999999
FB: from 0002000000 to 0002999999
Each type purchase requsition is configurated for two plants:
NB: plant 1000
FB: ...
Hello experts.
I need to activate the "ALV grid" option as List format in transaction MRN9, however that option is not available.
How can I configure to make that option available?
Current situation:
Desired situation:
I recently installed the patchlevel 4 for SAPGUI 740 but I detected that the technical names in data browser (transaction SE11 and SE16) not display the name complete. View image please:Do you have any idea of this issue?Thanks
Hello experts.I have a problem with new version GUI 740.When I try access to SAP through saprouter I can´t sing in , the error 'saprouter permission denied' is displayed.Note: GUI 730 there is no problem through saprouter.Any idea?thanks.
Hello experts.Is possible modify the visualization of report LT10??I would like to add a new column in this report that display the information of field MKPF-XBLNRIs there any user-exit?attached image...