Can someone please assist, when calling the metadata we cannot find Orders or PurchaseOrders and BusinessPartner is spelled without an 's' BusinessPartners which is the API
BusinessPartners Entity is misspelled in b1s/v1/$metadata#B1Sessions/@Elem...
1. I have a get call to Items , the Item Key includes a forward slash - ItemCode is 'Item/A'
If i use the forward slash i get unrecognized resource path
2. If i escape it using "%2F" or %252F i get
"lang": "en-us", "value": "Bad Request - Err...
1. I configured remote source to MSSQL using Generic ODBC Adapter
2. Added table from Remote Source as Virtual Table on Schema SYSTEM
3. Successfully connected and ran select query on virtual table
4. INSERT INTO successfully adds data to the M...
HI @mariatrinidad.martinezgea
I cant find Orders in the metadata, or PurchaseOrders - can you help provide me the correct way to get metadata for All entities in B1?
And In the metadata BusinessPartner is spelled incorrectly without s at the end a...