Member since ‎2012 Oct 31

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  • 46 Posts
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This Blog is written to provide an insight about the new change in persistency of Durations in Service transactions as part of SAP S/4 Service - 2108 onwards. Earlier Design: In the Service IMG, they are integrated via Basic Functions > Date Manage...
This Blog is written to help out the Beginners who are eager to Integrate the Qualtrics Survey to Chatbot using SAP CAI. As there are many Blogs available  where you can see how to Create a chatbot using CAI, Qualtrics Survey creation and Integratio...
Are you bored to see the same old fashioned display of approval process in C4C UI ? And if you are keen to have a new look and feel for better UI experience, Like, How about the idea of displaying image of the approver, along with the Title, Name a...
Hello All, Receiving an error while installing UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 in eclipse. Error: Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: SAPUI5 ABAP Repository Team Provider...
Hi All,In ECC we have alternate tax classification for the orders which we can change manually for the particular order.But whether this functionality exists in CRM ???If Yes can you please provide the details..If No Can you please guide me how can i...