Member since ‎2018 Nov 27

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I have a S/4 1809 System. Here I would like to explore the features of MDG Fiori Apps so that I would like to explore more on UDI which can be achieved through MDG concept. Could anyone can help me on this like step wise what to do to generate UDI ...
Hi, I would like to run Audit trails scenario, Could you pls provide me the steps for that what need to do. Transaction I am using AUT10, In that I am able to select Table name as MCHA (batches) and also selected Table key, Now i want to generate...
Getting error while executing "Schedule Product Classification(DD)" : No consumption of Product xxxx from Plant xxxx and MRP Area xxxx from 20190417. Scenario: DDMRP Could anyone pls help me on this issue. Thank you.
Manage Buffer Levels I have done all the config steps: Create Buffer level,Maintain Buffer Profile details,Maintain Buffer Profile Assignment,Define Screen Sequence for Header details,Check MRP Types,Define Lot sizing procedure,Config steps for MR...
S4 1809, PDS structure of product xxxxx is inconsistent in location xxxx . T-Code: /N/SAPAPO/CURTO_SIMU What is the reason behind this error and how to overcome this error. could anyone pls help me.