Hi,I dropped a large process chain into a transport and it gave me the following error message:Object 'D9ZT5WG5IUNDR4AZ0XCQRIVYR' (ROUT) of type 'Routine' is not available in version 'A'How can I find the BW object that this routine is tied to? Is t...
Hello,I have a multi provider with two cubes under it. One cube is a subset of the other cube. (Skipping the details, it has to be that way.)Both cubes have, for example, three characteristics. For two of them, their value is the same. For the th...
Hello,I have a Multi-provider with two cubes under it. One cube is a subset of the other cube (its is a long story but we need it that way).The problem I am running into is when I am dealing with data that is in both cubes.I have a restricted key fi...
Hello,We currently have a BO XI 3.1 environment that connects (I think it is using "IBM iSeries Access (ODBC) 5.4") and gets data for reports from an AS/400 iSeries V5R4 machine.That machine will be upgraded to V7R1 and I have found that BO XI 3.1 wi...
Hi,0Employee_attr is taking about an hour for about 500,000 records. I have implemented SAP note 1063469 to set up parallel processing but it did not help any.When I watch the job execute in SM37, the job log shows that is has started program SBIE00...
This is a duplicate post. I thought my first post failed to submit and made this one. See the answer under the discussion titled "BEx query does not sum RKFs from different Info providers if Char values on report are identical"
Hi,We found the problem. The answer is that formulas are applied at the Results level (display level if you do not have any results rows). When I was tracing the data, I was applying the formula at the record level. See the attached screenshot.Reg...
Hi Anindya,I do not have the option to maintain the master data. I tried CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT but still have the problem.I created a new InfoObject and made it Char which worked.Thanks for your help.Regards.
When I tried to load '006', only 6 came through so the leading zeros are being removed. (So loading '000' results in # in BEx).Is there a way to get the 0 to stay?(Reminder: This is a Characteristic, not a KF. The Characteristic is defined as NUMC,...