Dear Community,
I am just starting out with the HCP. My first goal is to fill a table with some data I stored in an excel file for now.
What I have done: I created a database with the DP Server activated.
I would now like to import the data, ...
Dear community,
i am currently trying to get started with SAP cloud platform, so my question is if anyone could give me some related articles to learn how to solve the following task:
I have got an excel file with a table I would like to impor...
Quick answer summary:
I connected to the Hana Cloud SystemIn Eclipse I used: File > Import > SAP HANA Content > Data from local FileAnd then just follow the assistant (and use a .csv export of the excel file)
Works a charm for files small...
To be honest I actually don't understand your answer. I just want to show a table using UI5. Ok OData i get that one, but where do I set it up? How do I import a simple CSV File into my trial Handa database?