I am looking for property to control a field from showing in group in sapui5 smart table.
1. Smart table in view with tableType="ResponsiveTable"
2. Now grouping is available for the table.
3. but I want to restrict on of the field/proper...
In a view, Date Picker control is used and display format as MM/dd/yyyy, on click of calendar icon value help, calendar pop not opening.
sample code as below:
<DatePicker xmlns="sap.m" id="picker0"/>
<DatePicker id="demo.input.Date" disp...
We have a requirement to schedule and run XS Job from Hana XSJS file.
Original requirement is:
SCP - SAPUI5 application calling XSJS file which runs on-premise odata service taking long time due to high volume of data(more than 5 min to fe...
Looking for help on odata filter syntax for below scenario:
1. create hana xs destination file and connect to on-premise system
2. create xsjs file and consume the on-premise odata service.
3. it is working fine for calling entity set dir...
I need help on below requirement.
1. Responsive table comprise of 10 columns.
2. Require an ability to rank not more than 4 columns and perform multi sorting.
ex: multi sort by
1. Col4
2. Col2
3. Col1
Sai Battul...
Thank you Sergio for response.Update from SAP as below:This issue is due to your use of "YYYY" instead of "yyyy". Please see the following for reference on the difference:https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table440575 ...
Thank you Florian for the response., we are using XS advanced, can I trigger or run the job from xsjs file, it is like on demand job, not to go to job administrator and run.
Check your XSODATA and load metadata in browser first.in WEBIDE, right lick on project and create oDATA, Service URL, provide your destination and url path and click test.you should see the entitysets, if not check your service.Thanks,Sai Battula.
Hi Rashmi/Others
Asking this question after many years :).
When you say below assumption:
Assumption is that Sales Orders and Business Orders OData services are generated and registered out of service builder(SEGW) in two different systems.
is it...