Member since ‎2018 Mar 28

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Hi, My Managed RAP model has Header(root) and Item entity.ETag field is added only in Root entity data model. Item ETag is depended by Root. Annotation @Semantics.systemDateTime.localInstanceLastChangedAt: true is used for ETag. So that, ETag fie...
Hi, In a structure ZSD_S_SH_DATA we have used component type: ISDSALESDOCITEM (which is the DDIC View for CDS-View: I_SALESDOCUMENTITEM). It seems each time there is a change on the CDS I_SALESDOCUMENTITEM structure ZSD_S_SH_DATA goes into incons...
Hi, In my freestyle Fiori application I am using Smart Filter Bar. UI annotations are added in the Metadata Extension file for the CDS. CDS is exposed as OData V2 - UI using RAP. However the Smart Filter Bar in the freestyle application is i...
Hi Experts, I am using FPM_SEARCH_UIBB component for my search application.I wanted to have the Currency/Quantity reference fields in my search criteria like how this possible in webdynpro component WD_SELECT_OPTIONS_20 (Shown below). wd-select-o...
Hi All, We have a scenario where we want to write data to a type 4 entity in an excel based uploading application. Created a new parallel CR type for this purpose and included the the type 4 entity in scope. Created the change reque...