Hi,For this you will have to get the FTP server acces...if you have that, then follow the below steps.run program RSFTP002 in SE38. here in the selection screen you will have to fill the details like USER , PASSWORD , HOST , COMMAND and RFC DESTINAT...
Hi Seema,You can get the handling unit number from VBFA table.Hit the VBFA table by giving VBELV as delivery number and VBTYP_N as 'X' ( which is nothing but handling unit).In field VBELN you will get the handling unit.You can use this handling unit ...
NEW-PAGE PRINT OFF. CALL FUNCTION 'ABAP4_COMMIT_WORK'. get the spool number.. spoolno = sy-spono. "Convert spool to PDF continued ... CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF' EXPORTING src_spoolid = spoolno no_dialog ...
continued ... this will get you the spool request that is been generated. IF l_val space AND sy-subrc = 0. lw_pripar-prrel = space. lw_pripar-primm = space. NEW-PAGE PRINT ON NEW-SECTION PARAMETERS lw_pripar ARCHI...
Hi You can use the logic as follows : Using the abap coding, fill the internal table and print it.. basically create the spool request.. not get this spool request and convert it to the PDF format ... below code helps u to do it.. Use the below cod...