While taking oracle backup on OS level we are facing error '/* BRBACKUP */ ALTER TABLESPACE "SYSAUX" BEGIN BACKUP' ORA-01031: insufficient privileges.
Please suggest on the same
Dear Team,
For integration firebase with CRM we have created node in strust when we double click on node it will ask for PSE password how we can reset it as we dont have password below steps has been performed.
Transaction: STRUST
Select menu o...
Dear Team,
We have successfullly implement SAP note for digital signed sap note implemenatation after that when we ran report RCWB_SNOTE_DWNLD_PROC_CONFIG in that SAVE option is disabled please suggest on same.
SAP_BASIS 701 0016 SAPKB70116 SAP B...
Dear Sameer,We have followed SAP note: 134592 but same issue occurs please check below.EPDEV:oraepd 56> sqlplus /nolog @sapdba_role SR3DB
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Oct 9 11:37:48 2019
Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights...
But in our environment for same oracle version in other system backup is successful then why we need to apply bundle patch. please find below patch version for DEV system which backup failed and for QAS backup got succeed.DEV versionSQL> select * fro...
Dear Team,For integration firebase with CRM we have created node in strust when we double click on node it will ask for PSE password how we can reset it as we dont have password below steps has been performed.Transaction: STRUSTSelect menu option Env...