Hi Tong Li,ADBC support Oracle procedures. ADBC is an agnostic framework that support all DB supported by SAP.The example is written for a HANA procedure, but can be use in similar way to use an Oracle procedure.
If you have a moderm ABAP System (>=7.50) you can use that: types begin of lty_mat_qty.
types material type string.
types qty type i.
types end of lty_mat_qty.
types lty_mat_qty_tt type standard table of lty_mat_qty with empty key.
Hi,you can use the standard framework ADBC (package SDB_ADBC) to do that. Youy can call procedures from the DB (CL_SQL_STATEMENT->EXECUTE_PROCEDURE), and process the reuslt using the class CL_SQL_RESULT_SET that support the use of cursors (mthods NEX...
It's only an idea, I never do it, but in this blog you can see how to exposure a FM as an ICM Service. Next, you can try to create a new Tile and call this URL. Tell us if that works for you
Review the values of both CDS, sometime, the data browser can lied you, because represent 'null' value as a 'blank' value. Remembers, now, you are working direclly with the DB. Check this Link: ABAP CDS - coalesceYou can check this in other CDS/SQL ...