Is there a way for end-users to have access to the SAP Screen Personas Switchboard to select their own SAPUI5 Theme Version? So far in the documentation, I've found reference to changing it if you are using the Fiori launchpad, as well as mention of ...
Is there documentation on using Snapshot Mode from SP14? I've found the demo video, but can't really find anything else. I'm trying to find if snapshot mode can be used with RFC's as a bulk send option.
I'm working on a dashboard to monitor a picklist and display the current status of various items. Ideally, I don't want to have to refresh the screen constantly. I'm planning on calling an RFC to get the values, but I'm having issues getting this to ...
This post from 2018 refers to the same issue I'm seeing. Is there a way to get the new value of a text field when using the onChange script event? The source.text value the event returns is the old value, which for field validation isn't really usefu...
I've seen a lot of "How to read tables" for Personas, but I'm running into the issue of writing the copied table data to an RFC.
Here's the RFC call:
var oRFC = session.createRFC("ZFI_ICWQITEMS");
oRFC.setParameter("GUID", "");
Thanks Krists, and Happy New Year to you as well! I'd designed the flavors to theme agnostic, so when we implement the FLP they'll be ready. In the meantime, it sounds like I'll be adding a menu with links for the users to change themes.
Must be. I get it all the time in every transaction when I right-click. Super annoying.Edit:I did some digging through the event log, which led to SAPGUIControlPlugin. After digging through the registry and some dll's, it looks like the error I was s...
I've previously built out a flavor for HR using PA20. Here's a couple RFC's that may be useful for getting additional HR info:PAD_EMPLOYEE_HIREDATE_GETBAPI_USR01DOHR_GETEMPLOYEE
I think this is the same issue from back in February: I've been working on a project that requires the ability to view documents, so I'm definitely interested if ...
Great answer, I really appreciate how in-depth you went! Bummer that it won't work for my initial use case, but I think I may be able to apply it somewhere else.