Member since ‎2018 Feb 10

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  • 9 Posts
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Hi all, we are facing an issue installing Web Client on a Cloud Server. Looking at the Installation Log we can see that fail a script .ps1. Do you have an hint to solve this issue? Our user is an administrator user, the server is in a domain....
Hi all, i've a batch process that needs to insert thousands of record in a UDT of type NoObject AutoIncrement. SInce i used the 32 bit sdk (prior to SAP 10) insert were very fast. Now i'm migrating my batch to 64 bit version for SAP 10 FP2202 H...
Hi all, i need a method to get the default G/L accounts when selecting an Item. Is there an SDK method to get this information? I'm Trying to use the GetAdvancedGLAccount method from CompanyService using the following code Dim objCompanySe...
Hi all, i've created a stored procedure in HANA and it compiles without any error, but when i call it I got the following error reporting row 122 that is "OPEN DATIFATTURAZIONE_CURSOR;" [2048] (range 3): column store error: search table error: [6...
Hi all, i'm experiencing problems importing HANA schema from one server to another server. Both server have the same HANA Version I exported schema and data from first server from Hana Studio. Now i'm trying to import schema in m...