Heeejjj there,
currently we are building an app to run on XSA. This app uses the UAA service for authentication and authorization. One part of this app is an user management system.
The use case is basically that an app admin can see all HANA...
heee there,
in our current project we want to get user information (like firstname, email,...) out of the uaa and show/edit it in our app. According to the cloudfoundry uaa API reference (http://docs.cloudfoundry.org/api/uaa/version/4.12.0/#user...
Thank you so much, it finally worked out. It turned out that I had to use a different app (different xs-security.json) as source of clientid and clientsecret to get an OAuth token which is allowed to do this API calls.
Basically this q...
Hello Thomas,
thank you very much for your response. Actually I already found your blog post before asking this question and can definitely use it after solving the privilige issue.
Unfortunately my HANA user account has not the needed roles/righ...