Hello Experts,how can i build up sales order bom process via EWM in the most simple way (without kitting?) where I want to map position types with picking relevance and some without picking relevance that i also want to see in my outbound delivery or...
Hello Experts,is there a way to perform a physical inventury e.g. per HU without locking the whole storage bin? (if you would build a automatic storage type as a 1-bin-black-box).? br, doepat
Hello,in a projekt we want to have a flexible staging process to get whole HU's to the line. We want to have only one sloc so classic staging with deliveries is not our go to solution. Most kanban processes (classic or event-driven) or e.g. single or...
Hello,if find it strange that in a system, the picking Status of an ewm outbound delivery order is shown as "finished" while the picking tasks are currently still processed. Where can i influence/check this behavior?
@Mrinal_K_Roy great article. we did the same setup but system still wants to create a delivery with 0 pc and we are getting cogi entries. any idea? system: 2022 fps 02.Cogi says: Please enter warehouse number. That suits your former incident and oss ...
@Mrinal_K_Roy like always, great input!can the destination psa sloc also be ewm managed? we recognized missing bin entry fields during master data creation. br
@uttarathiagaraj Great Input, thanks a lot. What is with a ewm managed sloc as a psa Area? is then 008 not suitable? we recognized missing bin entry fields during master data maintenance. br
Hello @eric_osterroth great News - thanks. Would it be possible to get an sap mini blog that shows in detail, how to get the new page layouts in the respecting client from 000 by SOBJ? thanks a lotPatrick