Hi CPI Experts,
In one of my existing iFlows after minor edit in the URL I have started getting below error.
Status: FAILED
Duration: 0.17 seconds
Duration: 0.00 minutes
com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException: com.sap...
Hi All,
We have this in our C4S "Project Neo – Configurator", We are using CPI, any document or info about this and what is this used for.
Hi All,
I am using SAP integration API, /api/v1/IntegrationDesigntimeArtifacts
I am using a S user with roles as below, and its giving 403 ...
Hi All,
When I see the Access Logs (Audit and System), they are available for less than 30 days, is it possible to get old logs.
Please advice.
Hi All,
I am trying to SAP Cloud Transport management. I have followed the steps
I am using neo, and have enabled the service.
Can you attach the full XML payload which you are posting.I do not see where you have mentioned the namespace for the below urn and the big<urn:Request><big:ReasonOfInquiry>ABK</big:ReasonOfInquiry>
Are you connecting your ECC which is also on WIN ? Can you give more details "When would we have to move to the cloud for future rollouts" what system is moving to cloud so you also want to move the CPI-DS to cloud.
Use this XSLT before sending data to target:<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"