Member since ‎2004 Sep 26

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When we create more than one kilometre claim in the same month, the rate is incorrect.Create a kilometer claim for 24/04. In the amount field is the total(300) for all kilometres, in the number field the total kilometers(100).Create a kilometer claim...
I use abap2xlsx project to write xlsx and csv files.I have to download info to a csv file with text in double quotes (").To do this use"  zcl_excel_writer_csv=>set_enclosure( ip_value = '''' ).Everything is working, but the text is in single quote (`...
Our company want a logo on the payslip.I copy the smartform HR_ESS_PAYSLIP_TO_PDF to ZHR_ESS_PAYSLIP_TO_PDF.Add the logo.  Change the feature EDPDF to the smartform ZHR_ESS_PAYSLIP_TO_PDF.Everything work and I can see the smarform with the logo in ES...
Hi,I need some help with a BADI.I have to implement 10 subtypes for info 0009(banks).I did that and add the info types to V_T7XSSPERSUBTY to be available on ESS.My problem is that the extra sub types should only be available for some employees. I can...
We have negative leave.We run time evaluation on a daily basis. Employee's vest leave every month, but not all on the last day of the month.One month from your appointment date, leave accrual. Every day time evaluation runs form the "PDC Recalcutati...
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