Hi All,
During the MDG MDC consolidation of Materials (Import Data for Material using Mass Processing ) using excel file upload is duplicate checks will trigger .if yes how to get duplicate records found during the mass approval process?
Purpose : In Detials MDG API Technical Concepts like Change Request API , External Mode API , Governance API ,Convenience API and Finally Context API.
Below are the API with their Purpose in a tabular format to understand easily
Purpose : MDG Search BP - Enhance Search Result List
Business Scenario: MDG Search BP - Enhance Search Result List adding fields Account Group and Grouping Description.
Fiori App
Component Configuration
Hi All,
When CR is active repilcation successfull in MDG but in Target system getting error message as
Error occurred for partner IC-00-9500; passed on to Forward Error Handling
Enter a value for field KUNNR
Note : when tryin...
Hello,Yes we can send external notifications during MDG Change request governance process in any step like approval ,rejection and so on .for sending notifications to MS teams only we need BTP cockpit otherwise no.thanks Balakrishna vegi
Hello ,Uisng SAP BTP ypu can send Subscribe to alert notification service in BTP Cockpit.Creating a Disk Usage Alert.Creating Actions i.e. Email & Teams Notificationne approach is to use the Microsoft Teams Connector in BTP, which allows you to send ...
Hi , inheriting from CL_MDG_BS_MAT_FEEDER_LIST_UOM and write your code as below reference CALL METHOD super->/plmu/if_frw_g_after_get_data~after_get_data EXPORTING iv_first_time = iv_first_time io_event ...