Thanks for your answer and your effort with the weblog. Although I really hope they do offer this soon, since the objects seem to be essentially the same and it would save us a lot of work.
Ok, again, this is what I am trying to do:
I convert my existing ICO to an iFlow in NWDS.
I want to export that iFlow from NWDS
I want to upload this iFlow to CPI
This seems to be a logical migration path to me and I wanted to hook in on your...
Hello Eng Swee Yeoh,
have you done this recently? I am unable to extract the iFlow as a Java project, I can only export it as a transport. How is this export done? I can't find any documentation on this.
Scenario is the following: I want to export ...
Hello Suwandi,
The server does not accept your handshake message. Most probably it is the client certificate which is missing, but to be sure you could check the server's logs.