Member since ‎2005 May 16

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Hi experts, I need to set up eFactura for Romania using BTP, and to register my client I need to provide Callback URL. What Callback URL should be used in case we implement the SAP Solution on BTP for this? Registration is done on ANAF site. ...
Dear experts, do you know, if it would be a problem in terms of licensing, if we'd establish some files copying mechanism in the java mapping? So these data would be copied outside of PI runtime?I assume that the SAP measures data transferred from ...
Hi guys, I am facing an issue as my target web app accepts only Content-Type text/xml, but SOAP receiver channel sends by default Content-Type application/xml. So I need to change it. So what is possible in receiver soap cc is to use custom heade...
Hi guys, I have developed a mapping Java code, which tries to get private key from keystore and access then SFTP. All in the mapping step. I am however getting an exception because the user, undr which the runtime mapping is executed, doesn't have ...
Hi guys, I have a java code in message mapping which needs a private key to access sftp server for some file manipulation. However, when the code tries to access the keystore and to retrive the private key, I am getting ERROR: ID21109: Remote call ...
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