Hi People,
Call Transaction xk01 is returning "No URI addresses are maintained for this address" (E AM 169) like an error and don´t create the vendor.
When i execute the same shdb in tcode shdb, i receive the same message, but like a warning and ...
Hi people, i have an issue.
The end system changed the ip linked to the url configured on the channel. After that the soap receiver channel started giving the following error :
Hi people,
I have a Proxy -> sftp scenario. I have this error :
MP: exception caught with cause javax.resource.ResourceException: com.sap.aii.adapter.sftp.ra.rar.conversion.exception.ParserException: No Recordset setting found for records name: R...
Hi people,
I have a proxy-> sftp scenario. The final product must be a .csv file with the following layout:
"Name","Supplier Number","Display Name","PO Method","Payment Method","Invoice Matching Level","PO Email","Status"
"1-Fornecedor 1","1",...
Prezados,Bom dia.Essa dúvida é de PI (cenário Idoc->Jdbc)Estamos usando o campo stcd5 (tabelas lfa1 e kna1) para preencher o campo de código do nif. O problema é que precisamos replicar as informações de cliente e fornecedor para sistemas legados, at...
Hi people, i am with a similar issue. The end system changed the ip. The telnet and ping in server returns the new ip, but pi continuous by the old ip. In the receiver channel, i just set the url, i don´t set the ip in any field. What i have ...
Thank you Evgeniy. I am not using mtb, i am using fcc because the final product must be a .csv file with the following layout:"Name","Supplier Number","Display Name","PO Method","Payment Method","Invoice Matching Level","PO Email","Status""1-Forneced...
Hi Re: Campo stcd5 no idoc cremasVenkateswarluThnk´s for your replay.I had imported the stucture in ESB. I use the field in the mapping, but how can i do to update metadata in PI ?Thank´s,Oscar Möller