Last update: 8th of May, 2023
This blogs post creation was a joint effort of adem.baykal, nekvas75 and myself.
The aim of the blog series is to explain the status of SAP Business Planning & Consolidation (SAP BPC) integration with SAP...
Last updated on 2nd of August, 2023
The aim of this blog series is to explain the status of SAP Business Planning & Consolidation (SAP BPC) integration with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) and our strategic direction. Furthermore, we want to show yo...
Liquidity Planning - SAP Analytics Cloud standard business content
One of my first lessons when talking about the profits with the accountant was the answer to the question “How much profit are we going to have in the year YYYY?” The accountant rep...
This is the second part of my mini blog post series, where I will show how to model and consume data in SAP Analytics Cloud. In the first part, I have shown how to build the first version of the model for Confirmed cases. In this blog post I will sho...
This is the first part of my mini blog series where I will show how to model and consume data in SAP Analytics Cloud. I have decided to use data sets coming from Coronavirus/COVID-19 area and hopefully you might use it in your area of work as well.
Great content!!!! On so many occasions I see dashboard designer/developers focusing mostly on the "technical" performance of a is it going to load in 10sec. But on the other side totally neglecting how much time does a content consum...
@Sebastian_Gesiarz , the "Navi API" is an option, but please note that it was only migrated to the the ODE Story because of the compatibility with the app mode. Our Prod. Management/Dev colleagues do NOT plan to enhance it anymore. Of course it will ...