Hi Colleagues,
I am trying to deploy a multi tenant saas application by following an example in https://github.com/SAP-samples/cloud-cap-samples-java#setup-authorizations-in-sap-business-technology-platform
And currently the application was dep...
Hi Mark,I can not reproduce this issue on my laptop with hana express version 2.00.036 and vm play version 15.1.0 build-13591040.Could you please tell me your hxe version and your vm player version?
Hi Ghataura Your instance name is HD1 which include a number , and the check update code has some problem when adm user include number. This a bug of us , and we will fix it in 2.00.040.* .now I think there is two workround here:1. rename your insta...
Hi Deneke,I can not reproduce your issue. So can you give me your steps in detail , so I can look into it. BTW , you are using binary install version (not hxe on vm and cloud ) right?hxeadm@mo-a77a2aa70.mo:/usr/sap/HXE/HDB90> HDB version HDB version ...
Hi Jay,
I see this issue before when I deploy my HXE on GCP, at that time I change the firewall config to allow access to all the ports on my host machine . And then the webide works well. So I suggest that you can try to allow access to port...